I've been absent in my writing here for so many reasons, mostly because I feel like my life has been hijacked from me. I have so little time for most everything and my brain races at a mile a minute worrying about what I'm not accomplishing or what is half undone. I'm in place where nothing feels good enough. I know that is not a healthy place, but unfortunately it's where I'm at right now. I will work to make tomorrow different.
The last five days or so have been hijacked by a severe ear infection complete with an allergic reaction to ear drops, Cipro (so, I'm safe from anthrax just in case I might find myself exposed) and a visit to the St. Luke's ER. This has been the most painful physical ailment I've experienced in a long while. It was miserable, but it was a little wake up call to appreciation for my general state of health. Knowing pain is temporary makes it better. When I was in severe pain for several long days, it made me think about people with cancer or other terminal conditions that cause frequent pain. I am lucky by comparison. I am thankful for my health.
The last three weeks or so have been hijacked by the recent state of political events in our fine state, namely Governor Walker's Budget Repair Bill. Since I fell into a bad Facebook, newsjunkie habit that is completely counterproductive to my sanity, I will try to stay away from debate or politics here. I believe everyone has a right to their own opinion(hopefully their informed opinion) and they certainly don't have to agree with me. But I do want to share a few observations.
My first observation is that I am now very aware I am a part of a public sector, union family. It's not that this didn't occur to me before, it's just that now it seems to have become a defining factor of our lives. For better or for worse, this is who we are, it's our livelihood, it's important to us and it's worth protecting.
I chose to work in the public sector because serving the public good, specifically through education, is something that is extremely important to me. I married a wonderful man who is a dedicated teacher. His work and his dedication to what is, much of the time, an uphill battle bespeak something noble to me. I have watched his involvement and his leadership in his union grow over the time that we've been together. I can say with certainty that I have never been prouder of him than in this tough fight. Baby, I know you are fighting for the right thing. We are fighting for the right thing and contrary to what many say, it is not about money.
My second observation is that it seems many women I know are reluctant to involve themselves in politics and in this issue in particular. I'm sure there are many reasons. A few I've heard seem to involve not wanting to rock the boat with the men in their lives or not feeling confident they are qualified to make an educated decision. I'm here to say to those women, you are smart enough, you are qualified enough, your opinion matters, your voice is needed. We need to pay attention, we need to speak up, we need to protect our voice and our rights, lest they be taken away. Please women of the world, I implore you...read the paper, talk to someone you trust, talk to someone with an opposing view point, talk to other women, vote, write your legislators. Your voice is needed!
My third observation is that social media is polarizing and absolutely disgusting in this debate. And I am 100% guilty of engaging in political chatter on Facebook which is for the most part a complete and utter waste of time. Besides the organizing and information possiblities that are enhanced by social media, most of what I see are people slinging insults at each other. It's polarizing, it's mean and nasty. It's easy to hurl an insult into cyberspace when you don't have to look someone in the eye. All of that junk hurts rather than helps. I've tried not to be hurtful, doesn't mean I haven't been. I'm done with it though. I'm going to spend my valuable energy on something that can actually make a difference.
Any who, those are my observations. Love 'em or leave 'em.