Little signs of spring are popping up everywhere around our yard. Flower buds, little leaves, even a momma bunny who gave birth before our eyes on our walkway, no kidding.

Pink azalea buds.
Unfortunately, my eyes are also now picking up on the years of landscaping neglect by our house's former owner. Last year we watched things coming up and didn't do much, just waiting to see what was there. Now, I know we have a lot of work ahead of us.
Ry has been working on building a cedar raised bed which we placed in our front yard today. We intend to try this one and see how it goes. If it goes well we will add more, perhaps turning our entire little front lawn into a mini-veggie farm!
Our yard is not level and some of the wood that was delivered turned out to be warped, so in order to get it to be level Ry had to do a lot of digging. We tilled out the grass underneath and then had rich soil delivered. Soon enough we hope to be rich in veggies!

Look at the beautiful black soil.

Ry stands proudly by his masterpiece.

Ry washes out the wagon we borrowed from a neighbor to move the soil around. We had a lot of leftover dirt so I raked the wood chip mulch out of this flower bed and we added a layer of rich new soil. I'll plant lovely colorful annuals where there was nothing last year. Also, note the topiary-like perfection of those shrubs. I trimmed them myself last fall.