On the other hand, we've been pushing a lot of veggies and there have been some very positive moments. For instance, Thursday is always chicken nugget and macaroni & cheese night in the cafeteria. I try to eat with my staff at least once a week at their weekly supper time of 5:30pm. I joined them last Thursday and was pleasantly surprised at my lack of reaction. I looked at the food and thought, "yes, it looks good, but it also looks to be the opposite of nutritious". I felt powerful for choosing not to eat something that would satify me in the moment and detract from my health in the long run.
Vegan Muffuletta: a picture show a la Veganomicon.
Ry, ry's s-shaped semolina bread.
Sun dried tomatoes.
Soaking in boiling water.
Olives, tomatoes and fresh herbs.
Oil, vinegar and dried herbs added to the mix.
In the food processor.
Fininshed product.
Halved red peppers.
Peeling off the skins.
They look weird and slimy.
Oven roasting the eggplant.
Finished product.
Finished product featuring bread crust detail (Ry takes all the "sexy" shots.
That muffaletta sauce was the best ever.