We started out with coffee at the Alterra Foundry on 1st street. Next we visited the West Allis Farmer's Market where we purchased a complete vegetable bounty for only $13. Then we took a long country drive on the back roads to Backyard Bikes, a bike shop and cafe in La Grange, WI. Our final destination was a 3 mile hike on the Scuppernong Trail in the Southern Kettle Moraine area. It was a lovely and easy hike shaded by large pine trees offering filtered light and one overlook view.
All in all it was a great day. Nice to just be able to spend time together in the beautiful sunshine free of any responsibility.
Celebrating with some of my co-workers at Sugar Maple in Bayview.
With Kelley, my Hall Director neighbor.
Beautiful flowers, a present from my co-worker Renee.
Vegetable bounty. Potatoes, garlic scapes, pickling cucumbers, mint, leeks, green beans and broccoli.
Colorful Ba'hai sign outside of La Grange.
Outside Backyard Bikes.
Flowers and lawn ornaments.
Enjoying Mexican organic lollipops.
Trees lining the Scuppernong trail.
A big fat mushroom on the trail. Ry was impressed!
I love that you shared your day. Thank you.