When I started my car, NPR flipped on and began a story about Macy's Coffeeshop in Flagstaff, AZ. They described how the owner had started the roaster from the ground up and how the shop is celebrating its 30th anniversary. The minute they said Macy's I knew the story would be about Flag and I felt a bit like the city is teasing me. We briefly contemplated taking a spring road trip vacation out there through Colorado, but ultimately decided up on Mexico City instead.
The story ended with a familiar voice giving the standard KNAU NPR Morning Edition anchor sign-off: "this is Gillian Ferris Kohl for KNAU Flagstaff, Arizona". As an frequent NPR listener the sign-off is something you barely listen to, but becomes a part of your routine. It rought me back to my every-day-morning in AZ getting ready for school and work.
A disclaimer, I did not take this picture of Macy's but wanted to show you all what the shop looks like:

A second disclaimer, the coffee in my lap is not actually from Macy's. It's from a coffee shop in Portland, OR called Coffeehouse Northwest, which was one of the stops on the Knudson Pacific Northwest road tour this summer. But it certainly gives you the feeling of a nice little coffee break:

My dear, dear husband is currently making me a pot of chicken noodle soup with fennel and I am very grateful. God bless him!
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