On Saturday I got a massage from our awesome massage therapist, PJ Rockwell, of As You Like It massage. He provides services from his home, which means they come at a much lower cost compared to other spas or studios. He is also a master with strong, skilled hands. I had a lot of trouble clearing my mind, but definitely kept trying throughout. After a while a peaceful image of this place I used to take bike rides in Flagstaff, Arizona came to mind.
I had a heavy, metallic green cruiser bicycle with a basket on the front when I lived there. Saturday and Sunday mornings were kind of lonely times for me, especially in my last year of grad school when everyone was getting partnered up and I was without a significant other. I'd usually wake up and deep clean my apartment from top to bottom. Then, in the afternoon, I'd take a bike ride for several miles on an urban trail that started on campus. There was a certain bend in the trail where I curved around a hill and in the springtime the side of it would be completly covered in yellow flowers (mix between sunflower and black eyed susie). Off above the hill would be a vast blue sky and bright sunshine. It was big blue skies and sunshine almost every day when I lived in Flag.
One time while riding with a fellow grad student, Trent, we rode off onto a single track trail that followed a creek and an old railroad bed. I should have had a mountain bike for the ride, but we kept going anyway. We rode into a solitary field of high grasses, our backs soaking up the warmth of the sun next to the creek. It felt secret and I felt free.
I was thankful for this nice memory at such a bleak time of year in Wisconsin. I had it a bit rough emotionally when I was in grad school, but now looking back I wish I could have enjoyed it more. I miss Flag a lot and long to be there often.
Me with my bike, grad school kids/friends, a random photobomber guy flashing peace signs and a view of the San Franciso Peaks in the background. Coming back to the NAU campus from the Fat Tire Bike Festival:

A view from up in the San Fran peaks on a hike with my sister and an old college friend, Tim:

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