Sunday, July 24, 2011

The Road Home

Scant internet access and a simple desire to be where I was at the time caused a drop off in blog updates for the rest of our trip to Oregon. Since I think it is silly to write multiple posts trying to document every place we went and recapture every aspect of our travels, I will simply post photos with some explanations and be happy with the extent of those memories now that we are home. I hope you will be too!

Crater Lake NP. It's impossible to take a representative pic of this gorgeous place without professional equipment!

Loverlies at Crater.

The bluest water ever.

Rogue River Gorge.

Grants Pass, OR campsite. Jump Off Joe Creek RV Park.

Happy pre-rafting trip in the somewhat cold AM. Low 60's.

A bird's eye view of other rafters on calm water.

Lunch time break shot on the shores of the Rogue.

O'Brien's Outfitters. Awesome family operation.

Dutch Bros coffee. I dig it. I am convinced I should start the first drive-up Pacific Northwest-style coffee shack in Milwaukee.

Rafting aftermath.

Our travel game. Thanks to Greta for giving me this awesome gift four years ago. It's gotten so much use over the years.

Ry studies something at the Riffle Cafe in Merlin, OR.

Why yes, this is Northern California. Why do you ask? Wink.

Ry tries attempts to eat all of our cherries before we have to give them up at the Cali border. He fails.

Snail in Redwoods NP.

'Naner slug in Redwoods NP. I counted 32 on our short walk back to the car.

Knudsonmoblie with redwood.

Bridge over the Siuslaw River in Florence, OR.

Overlook near the Sea Lion caves on OR coast.

My buried feet with kite string.

A river cuts a path in the beach sand on its way to the ocean.

Ry watches playful sea lions.

I fly.

New kite to replace the one broken and lost over I-94.

Rogue in Newport, OR.

Bag of Rogue barley.

Shark's Seafood in Newport, OR.

Their famous Cioppino.

Bevery Beach State Park campsite.

Ry lies on Beverly Beach waiting for sunset.

Sunset under Hwy 101 bridge.

We hope you enjoyed your stay.

Hazard, hazard!

Astoria tower.

Columbia River valley from the tower.

Astoria, OR.

Fort George Brewing. Astoria, OR.


Reclaimed hardware and antique shop. Astoria, OR.

Oh hipsters. Bus at Timberline Lodge. Mount Hood, OR.

Above the clouds. Mt. Hood.

Free coffee at the Timberline Lodge. Mt. Hood.

What I'd give to stay with no one else there!


WPA mural.

Up close and personal with Mt. Hood.

Bike ride on the old highway along the Columbia River Gorge. Near Hood River, OR.

Columbia River.

Cherry trees.


Full Sail. Hood River, OR. Employee owned. Just sayin'.


Full Sail mural.

Some smarty pants amended Mr. Walker's sign around LaCrosse.