Saturday, December 31, 2011

Deviled Eggies

Made deviled eggs for the first time to take to a New Year's Eve party tonight. Used a recipe from a new tapas cookbook that my Mom gave me for Christmas. Made up my own little recipe for the second batch. Peeling boiled eggs is not easy! But after two dozen I think my technique is improved. Will provide recipes if anyone is interested.

Boiling the eggies.

Rolled anchoives and capers for one recipe.

Draining and cooling.

With anchovies, manchego, olives and lemon.

Traditional style with parsley pulled from the garden.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011


We purchased another vintage, mid-century piece of furniture last week from a shop out of Chicago where we've had a lot of luck. The owner, Cintia, dropped this gem off before we left for Christmas travels, but we've only now had time to get it situated.

Our second bedroom serves as a little study/library/barely used TV room. We had a hugely tall IKEA secretary that I liked, but it was just too imposing for the space. Having something half its size really opens up the room.

It's solid teak in two separate pieces. Very sturdy and in good condition. The lighting in this room is strange, but you get the general idea from the picture.

The front opens up and has three perfect little drawers with original hardware.

I'm adverse to sharing the shop info because it's been so good to us and is fairly reasonable. But, if you ask nicely and you truly like mid-century furniture, I may tell you. Wink.

Preparing for the Party

We spent the day getting ready for my small birthday shindig we're hosting tomorrow. Cleaning, organizing, making pizza dough, shopping.

I did some significant liquor cabinet restocking or shall I say, building, which included a special treat for Ry: ingredients for Sazeracs and one for me: cocktail spears! Maraschino cherries here I come.

Beer, check. Champagne punch supplies, check. Soda, check. Enough homemade pizza dough for ten pizzas, check.

This strange little Germany beauty is a birthday gift from our friends Andy and Cindy. It's a honey liqueur with a names that translates to "bear hunter". Check out the freaky looking bear on the label! Andy stopped by for a nice little visit this afternoon, since they can't make the party :(

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Ladies Day

I had a lovely afternoon with my mom, sister and aunt that included lunch, a pedicure and much talk. I'm not normally a big spa service person, but I had a wonderful time getting my toesies done. Thanks Mom! Ry says they look like bowling balls. Must be the purple glitter!

Thursday, December 22, 2011

New Additions

I don't know if it's the lack of light or what, but I haven't felt much like writing and I have been cranky and stressed leading up to these impending thirtieth birthday. All I can do at this point is post pics, hopefully soon I will be out of my funk. Or maybe I just need to get one of those winter happy lights.

There are a few new additions to our household this week. One is a lovely new piece of vintage furniture. Once we get it situated, I will definitely post pics. Merry Christmas to us on that purchase!

The others:

An early birthday present.

Lovely new hand embroidered dish towels from my boss.

A big ol' plant.

I offered to inherit a plant from some friends months and months ago when they brought it inside for winter. Apparently I failed to notice how absolutely HUGE it is. I think I'll need to get out a machete and give it a hair cut.

And lastly, all the new additions for other peoples' homes.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Christmas Tree

My Mom's 60th Birthday

Making Martha Stewart-style decorations.

Tissue paper madness.

The beginnings of creme brulee.

Water bath for setting the creme.

Finished product before the blow torch.

Pots de creme inspiration. Really, we just needed an excuse to buy more ramekins.

Finished product before the whipped cream.


Pink and purple confetti table.

Special sparkly birthday hat.

Baby birthday girl.

Greta, Mom and me.

Lighting the candles.

Pretty glow.