Sunday, October 17, 2010

My Disposition Has Been Lifted Up By Powerful Hot Air Balloons

That title sounds like a bunch of flowery nonsense, but it's what my pre-coffee mind came up with to describe the sudden swell in my heart for everything lately. It's been a very busy, but good several weeks on both work and family fronts. A brief synopsis:

Cabin Life
Ry and I were all set to go camping in the Michigan U.P. with my bro-in-law Jon and his lovely girlfriend, Megan. However, the forecast called for rain and a high of 28 degrees. Instead we rented a cabin on a lake just Northwest of Milwaukee. We had one lovely night with homemade veggie and tapenade pizzas, many bottles of wine, dice games and conversation. We had one night that turned into a bit of a debacle due to an unexpected and ill-behaved guest.

Sunrise on the lake.

Fake deer?

Ry living out some kind of post-apocalyptic fantasy, like he's watching a mushroom cloud or something. At least that's what it looks like to me.

Fall colors from Powder Hill in Pike Lake State Park.

Teenage graffiti up on the watchtower.

Carmel apples from a local orchard's roadside stand.

Awww, sharing carmel apples makes for a cute picture.

Sacs of apples, beautiful.

Carmel apples, delish.

Cider, obviously.

Holy Hill off in the distance.


Guest Ready
We finally got our second bedroom set up into a cozy little den, which means that we can now accommodate guests!

Ry reads about Mormon polygamists in the comfort of our little library.

Sunny afternoon.

Operation Baby Quilt, Check
I finished my newest baby quilt for a little baby boy that will be born next month. If I do say so myself, I am very pleased with the final product as well as the progress I'm making in terms of craftsmanship. This was my third quilt and I can see marked improvement. I'll be starting a new one in just a few weeks.

Little Tucker Stark, this one's for you! Embroidery detail.

Finished product.

Corner detail.

All folded up and ready to go.

ALS Walk
Many of you know that my uncle Mark was diagnosed with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) also known as Lou Gehrig's disease two years ago. ALS is a progressive neurodegenerative disease that is slowly taking away Mark's ability to control his muscle movement. He has lost use of many of the major muscles in his arms and some in his legs. This muscle movement degeneration makes it very difficult for his to complete daily tasks. This disease has changed his life, our family's life and is very trying. Mark's spirit is very strong and he has a large support network, including a loving advocate in my Godmother (Nouna, is what I call her in Greek) and Aunt Steph. On Sunday October 10th, Ry and I participated in the Milwaukee Walk to Defeat ALS on the Redner's Raiders Team. My mom, mother-in-law and father-in-law all walked in the event to support Wisconsin ALS families. If you don't know much about ALS, please check out the Wisconsin ALS Association website. There are many families out there who need assistance, financial and otherwise, especially because ALS affects a small population and there is little research happening for a cure.

Me and Mark.

The Fam.

As I mentioned above my in-laws Al and Beckie came for the event. They stayed with us in our newly arranged guest bedroom. Together we dined on delish homemade meals, including Ry's homemade sourdough english muffins!

Fall Cooking
We've been doing some creative fall cooking, including these Vegetarian Times recipes for butternut squash with vegetable stew and Indian stuffed cauliflower.

Stuffed squash.

Cut open.

Victorious Marching Band

Last night Ry and I traveled to Whitewater to watch the WSMA State Marching Band Competition. My cousin Greg was recently promoted to Lead Band Director, so we wanted to watch the first landmark show under his direction. I got a bit silly and emotional with a few tears of joy in my eye. I am so proud of Greg, working with this band has been his dream and it's a huge accomplishment for anyone, much less someone who has only been out of college two years! They won the competition sweeping all of the individual category awards. Wow! I told Ry way out, "I can't believe this is his job!" I still think of Greg as a cute curly haired little kid with a big smile and glasses. I bet he is just pinching himself right now. I am swelled up with pride!

Life's Simple Pleasures

Our beautiful little beast finds the sunny spot.

Herbed french brie, olives, homemade sourdough and french wine. Dinner of champions. Ah yes, the presence of cheese. I have officially demoted myself to vegetarian. Do you like the total lack of fan faire around this decision, especially after much waxing and waning about whether I would eat a chocolate donut just a few months ago. Vegan is just too hard.

Finally, I feel like I've turned a corner at work. I've gotten past some of my fear of something new and the challenges of transition. I know I've only been there two months and I don't have it all together, but I feel I am in the right place, working with great people and have much potential for the future. Funny, how sometimes you end up right where you should be. I'm even doing professional development reading at home, for fun, go figure.

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