Monday, March 14, 2011

Thank You Governor Walker

Dear Governor Walker,

For the past few years I have felt lost. I have been unsure about whether the work I do is worthwhile. I have been unsure about how I spent my free time. I have been unsure about what's important to me. I have struggled to define my values from a chaotic stream of mental and emotional chatter. In short, I have been unsure about who I am as a person and whether I matter in the larger scheme of things.

So, Governor Walker, thank you for the clarity of purpose. Your actions and those of your republican compatriots around this nation have provided me with such a clear sense of purpose that everything I have struggled over internally over for years now seems simple. It is in fact so simple that I beam from ear to ear and laugh the calm, centered laugh of the Buddha despite the fact that everything I believe in is currently under attack and my family's livelihood is threatened.

You have emboldened me to shout from the rooftops, strong in my heartfelt defense of the public good. No matter what happens, no matter how little money we have or how far we're backed into a corner, I am secure in myself and my convictions. I will never stop fighting for what's right.


Your life-long progressive adversary, Megan

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